Optimise Userflow to ensure consistency with future functionalities

The start-up Deelt asked me to rework the Userflow of their Click & Collect mobile application MVP. My main objective is to make this Userflow scalable in order to ensure greater adaptability and scalability of future functionalities.


UX Workshop

User experience






UX/UI Designer


Landing screen of the mobile application

Kickoff Workshop & Audit of Current Userflow

The kickoff workshop serves as a starting point for aligning the objectives of all participants. This meeting allows me to gather the client's expectations and specific needs, as well as ensuring that the developer is aware of the technical and functional guidelines.

Formalising the current user flow gives me a clear overview of current user paths.

This mapping is essential for identifying the strengths and weaknesses of the current flow.I applied the Bastien and Scapin heuristics to audit the ergonomics of Userflow. These heuristics are essential for assessing ease of use, efficiency and user satisfaction.

Updating the User Flow

Based on the audit, I create prototypes to visualise the proposed changes. These prototypes serve as a basis for user testing, enabling us to gather concrete feedback.Once the prototypes have been produced, they are subjected to user testing to validate the proposed navigation solutions.

This phase is crucial to ensure that the changes made actually improve the user experience.Based on the feedback received, I iterate the Userflow in order to perfect it. This iteration allows me to plan the implementation of future functionalities in a fluid and integrated way.

app screen
app screen
figma file


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Key to scalability

By reworking the Userflow of Deelt's Click & Collect mobile application using this structured and rigorous methodology, I aim to create an optimised and scalable user experience. Each stage is designed to maximise efficiency, user satisfaction and collaboration between stakeholders.